DNO Change Management Consultancy, Founder & Change Leader I Parabol, Strategy & Business Development Consultant

Ejder Ormancı graduated from Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science & International Relations. He completed his Master's Degree in International Business Administration at Marmara University, Master's Degree in Business Management at Istanbul Commerce University and PhD in Business Management at Yıldız Technical University. His doctoral thesis topic: "The Mediating Role of Corporate Reputation in the Effect of Corporate Communication Practices on Customer Satisfaction: The Case of Public Transport Companies". In 2022, he taught "Organisational Behaviour" and "Event Management" as a guest lecturer at Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Art and Design.

He is currently the Founder & Change Leader at DNO Change Education Communication Management Consultancy Services, which he founded in 2008; Executive Board Member at GMO Management Consultancy, which has been operating in the UK since 2021 in the field of financial management consultancy and sustainability projects, and Strategy and Business Development Consultant at PARABOL, which actively works for more sustainable, safe and accessible mobility in 50+ cities in 11 countries around the world. He is a consultant at Management Centre Turkiye (MCT). He also carries out project-based studies and undertakes tasks as Business Partner & Consultant & Independent Board Member in various businesses operating in the field of digital marketing, financial technologies, payment methods, e-commerce, retail.

For some time, he has been carrying out studies focused on business and strategy development mainly abroad, especially in the MENA region, the Commonwealth of British States Countries, and the Balkans, and in Turkiye as triggered by those countries, and as an academician, he endeavours to convey his academic and real sector-based experiences to young people in various universities in Turkiye and abroad. He writes columns in various sectoral newspapers and subject-oriented magazines published weekly and monthly, and regularly writes articles on LinkedIn. He continues to work on two separate book preparations. He has ongoing studies in the fields of history, politics, change management philosophy, sustainable, resilient, and agile change transformation leadership. He lives and works mainly abroad and partly in Turkiye.

He started his career as a stationery manager in the summer months of high school years, and during his university years, he worked in the textile sector, as a private tutor and organiser, as a business manager in the service sector, and as a producer representative in the TV production sector. In the post-university period, he continued his professional career as a Customer Representative at Cenajans Grey, the largest Advertising Agency of those years, Private Customers Manager at the Turkiye office of Ticket Restaurant (Edenred), which first introduced the idea of food vouchers to the world, and Sales and Marketing Director as one of the two founders of Multinet, one of the first companies in the same sector in the world to make transactions with chip smart cards in Turkiye. During the Konica Minolta merger in the world, he worked as Assistant General Manager in charge of Marketing and Sales in the companies representing these brands operating in the field of documentation technologies in our country, and worked as the Founding General Manager, Shareholder and Board Member of WinWin, which provides services with mobile payment system for the first time in the world in the corporate payment systems sector. With WinWin, he supported the establishment of the Global Payment system, which was the first mobile payment system providing bank and mobile phone independent services at that time. He established Istegelsin, which today operates as a door-to-door electronic market, as a multi-category e-commerce site and led the team that brought the brand to the 4th largest capacity among the e-commerce sites operating in Turkiye in two years. In 2008, with the change management consultancy brand he established, he has provided consultancy services to the leading institutions of our country in areas such as Strategic Management, Business Development, Corporate Communication, Marketing & Sales, Public Relations & Publicity, Customer Relations, International Relations, Public Relations, Reputation Management, Change, Transformation, Agility, Innovation and Sustainability Management. During this period, he carried out consultancy projects in many different sectors and especially in some companies operating in the Public Transport Sector and worked as Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Governance Advisor to the Executive and Board of Directors. He worked as Chief Advisor to the General Manager at Kayseri Ulaşım A.Ş. and IETT, a subsidiary of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, operating in the public transport sector. Between 2018 and 2020, he worked as Founding Donation Management Director at Turkish Red Crescent.