Nebi Sümer is a professor of psychology at Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. He has two main research interests. One focuses on close relationships, especially attachment dynamics and parenting behaviors, from a cultural perspective. The other focuses on transportation safety and driver behavior. He has conducted large-scale studies on attachment and parenting behaviors, aberrant driver behaviors, hazard perception abilities of novice drivers, and the development of a psycho-technical driver evaluation system. He has thoroughly published scientific articles, chapters, and books in these areas and received funding from national and international agencies. He also runs research and has publications on the issues concerning personality assessment, the effects of unemployment, the teaching of psychology, and advanced statistics. He received his Ph.D. from Kansas State University and spent a year as a Fulbright research scholar at Cornell University. He is a member of the Science Academy Society in Turkey and a senior scholar at Istanbul Policy Center.