Halim Yanikomeroglu received the BSc degree in electrical and electronics engineering (1990) from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye, and the MASc degree in electrical engineering (1992) and the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering (1998) from the University of Toronto, Canada. Since 1998 he has been with the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, where he is now a Chancellor’s Professor.
Dr. Yanikomeroglu’s research interests cover many aspects of wireless communications and networks, with a special emphasis on non-terrestrial networks (NTN) in the recent years. He has given 110+ invited seminars, keynotes, panel talks, and tutorials in the last five years. He has supervised or hosted over 160 postgraduate researchers in his lab at Carleton. Dr. Yanikomeroglu’s extensive collaborative research with industry resulted in 40 granted patents. Dr. Yanikomeroglu is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), and the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA). He is a Distinguished Speaker for the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, and an Expert Panelist of the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA|CAC).
Dr. Yanikomeroglu is currently serving as the Chair of the Steering Committee of IEEE’s flagship wireless event, Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). He is also a member of the IEEE ComSoc Governance Council, IEEE ComSoc GIMS, IEEE ComSoc Conference Council, and IEEE PIMRC and IEEE FNWF Steering Committees. He served as the General Chair and Technical Program Chair of several IEEE conferences. He has also served in the editorial boards of various IEEE periodicals.
Dr. Yanikomeroglu received several awards for his research, teaching, and service, including the IEEE ComSoc Satellite and Space Communications TC Recognition Award (2023), IEEE ComSoc Fred W. Ellersick Prize (2021), IEEE VTS Stuart Meyer Memorial Award (2020), and IEEE ComSoc Wireless Communications TC Recognition Award (2018). He received best paper awards at IEEE Competition on Non-Terrestrial Networks for B5G and 6G in 2022 (grand prize), IEEE ICC 2021, IEEE WISEE 2021 and 2022.